Tag Archives: Boston

Project Phoenix 1972

Universal Studios

Banacek! George Peppard stars in this NBC Wednesday Night Mystery Movie. “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” fans will remember him as the courtesan to Patricia Neal and companion of Audrey Hepburn.

This train-laced movie (both prototype and model) features 4 character actors from Star Trek TOS and Batman 1966 and includes overhead (helicopter) scenes of railroads in Boston, Massachusetts.

Banacek is brought in when an expensive, experimental sports car vanishes from a non-stop freight train. The solution to the mystery is so preposterous, you just HAVE to come along for the ride (no pun intended). Let’s roll…

Would you believe an Atlas O scale (two rail) Great Northern, Big Sky Blue box car is a key exhibit in explaining how they done it? Read on…

42 years later, this is what Big Sky Blue fades to, in Sandpoint, Idaho.

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A Woman of Distinction 1950

Columbia Pictures

As movies go, this one is kinda thin on railroads. I’m pretty sure all train exteriors and interiors were done on studio sets. Although a few heavyweight passenger cars labeled “New Haven” parade up and down the platform at the “Benton, Connecticut” railroad depot – motive power is only heard, not seen. At least they got the branding correct as New Haven Railroad monopolized passenger service between Boston and New York City via New Haven, CT.

Still, I found a complete copy of this picture online, (link at bottom), so cost was $0 and a couple Hollywood Star cameos made it fun to watch. Let’s tune in.

Professor Alexander “Alec” Stevenson (played by Ray Milland) and Ice Queen Professor Susan Manning Middlecott (played by Rosalind Russell) have many questions for the Benton station clerk. For 10 points, which actor is playing the clerk? (cameo #2).

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